Certifications and International Standards
Certifications and external controls to which EDICOM submits its business processes to guarantee maximum service quality.

Information Security
ISO 27001 Information Security | AENOR
Information Security Management System in line with UNE-ISO / IEC standards
ISO 27001 Information Security | IQNET
Information Security Management System in line with UNE-ISO / IEC standards.
ISO 20000 Service Management | AENOR
Management system for the installation and provision of SaaS-EDI services.
ISO 20000 Service Management | IQNET
Management system for the installation and provision of SaaS-EDI services.
View IQNET certificate
Streamlined third-party cybersecurity risk management. Automated assessments, expert validation, standardized ratings, and collaborative improvement plans.
ISAE 3402 Type 2 SOC 1
Alignment with the requirements established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
TIER II Design | Uptime Institute Certified
This certification recognizes that the EDICOM Business Center design includes elements for redundant capabilities.
TIER IV Design | Uptime Institute Certified
Report on the relevant controls for the Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality and Privacy of Business Procesess
Type 2 SOC 2 Report
Report on the relevant controls for the Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality and Privacy of Business Procesess
National Security Scheme (Spain)
Security certification in Compliance with the National Security Scheme in the field of e-Government for information systems in "High" category.
Health Data Host (HDS) certification (France)
French AFNOR certification for electronic long-term archiving related to Health Data hosting. The EDICOMLta platform is compliant with the requirement of the HDS standard, meaning that health personal data are protected and respect the law.
Software Certification
Electronic Invoicing System DGCI certification (Portugal)
Electronic invoicing software certified by the DGCI (Direcção-Geral de Contribuições e Impostos) to be in line with the requirements established in Portuguese Regulation 363/2010.
GDSN Certified V3.1
Data Pool Solution (EDICOMData) certified for the Standard GDSN Major Release 3.1.
Solution aligned with the e-SENS AS4.
Digital Trust Services Provider
eIDAS: Qualified Trust Services Provider
: European Parliament and the Council of 23 July 2014 Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for digital transactions in the internal market.
European Certification Authority
EDICOM is a certification authority which provides a unique identification method for each activity to be carried out, avoiding generalist certificates, and ensuring compliance with the law in its strictest interpretation. This is the case of the CWA 14169-certified secure devices.
The EDICOM Certification Authority (CAEDICOM) guarantees the confidentiality of users’ personal data and automates its processing in accordance with personal data protection legislation and the privacy policy
Certification Service Provider in Mexico
EDICOM is accredited as a certification service provider, certification authority, and chronological validation authority in Mexico.
Authorized Certification Provider (PAC)
Provider authorized by the Mexican tax authority (Servicio de Administración Tributaria de México - SAT) for the issuance of electronic seals applied to e-invoices in line with the CFDI (Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet) system.
NOM151 Data Message Conservation
Accredited by the Mexican Ministry of Economy for the provision of conservation services for data messages in alignment with the Mexican Official Standard SCFI-2002.
Communication Protocol Interoperability
PEPPOL Access Point Provider
EDICOM is certified to provide connectivity with any entity integrated into the PEPPOL network.
EDICOM AS2 Server – Interoperability Certification
Applicability Statement 2 solution certified by the Drummond Group, guaranteeing secure data exchange with EDICOM solutions through the AS2 protocol.
OFTP2 – Interoperability Certification
Interoperability of the EOS (Edicom OFTP Server) for OFTP2 (Odette File Trans Protocol V.2), certified by Odette International.
Project Management
ITIL | Information Technology Infrastructure Library
Aims to introduce new procedures to achieve higher quality and efficiency in IT management and support.
PMP: Project Management Professional
The PMP accreditation recognizes the training, experience, and competence of our experts to manage and lead IT projects.
Environment and Sustainability
EcoVadis assesses ESG performance (Environmental, Social, and Governance dimensions) from various aspects, such as environmental management, labor practices and human rights, business ethics, and sustainable procurement strategy.
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